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12 Guides on How to Vote on May 9, 2016 Philippine Election - Must Read

Guides and Tips on how to vote during election day on May 9, 2016.

How to vote on election day in 12 easy steps

Step 1: Go to your assigned polling precinct from 6 a.m. to 5 p.m. on May 9

The Commission on Election (Comelec) advises voters to come early and not wait until the last minute. Look for your name in the voters list posted near the precinct. The Parish Pastoral Council for Responsible Voting (PPCRV) voters assistance desk in the polling place can also help you look for your precinct, sequence, and room number.

Step 2: Fall in line in the holding area

Step 3: Give your name, valid I.D., and precinct number to the Board of Election Inspectors (BEIs)

Step 4: Get your ballot, ballot secrecy folder, marker, and go to the voting area

Make sure your ballot is clean of any marks.

Step 5: Vote wisely

Undervoting and abstaining is allowed; overvoting is not. If you overvote, the vote will not be counted. Shade the entire oval corresponding to your candidate of choice. Cover your ballot using the ballot secrecy folder; even the poll watchers and BEI cannot look at your ballot. Do not make any other marks on the ballot.

Step 6: Feed your ballot into the vote-counting machine

The machine has a green check button that casts your vote and a red "X" button that returns your ballot. If you don't press either in one second, the machine automatically casts your ballot and prints a receipt.

Step 7: Return the ballot secrecy folder and marker

Step 8: Wait for your receipt to print and let the precinct supervisor cut your receipt from the machine

Do not tear or pull the voter's receipt because it can cause the entire roll of thermal paper to be yanked, which may cause the vote-counting machines (VCMs) to temporarily shut down. The BEI will cut the receipt using a pair of scissors.

Step 9: Have your right forefinger marked with indelible ink

Step 10: Take your voter's receipt and verify your vote

Step 11: Drop the receipt in the receptacle beside the VCM provided by Comelec

Step 12: Leave the polling precinct

Things to remember:
- Do not take photos and videos inside the polling place, or take photos of your ballot, the VCM screen, and your receipt — it is an election offense. Save the selfies until you're outside the polling place.

- Use the marker provided in the precinct to shade your vote

- Don't bring the receipt out of the polling place. It has to be dropped in a receptacle beside the VCM.

- Do not bring home the marker or ballot secrecy folder. Return it to the BEIs.

- Do not make any marks on the ballot aside from the shadings for the candidates or else the machine will reject your ballot and you will not be given another chance to cast your vote.

- If the VCM rejects your ballot through no fault of your own after four tries, you can ask for a new ballot.


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